
The following are the donations to the project as of 1/31/23. Mahalo for the generous donations of the following:


Eddie and Elaine donated $20,000 to A Better Chinatown Association

Eddie and Elaine Flores donated $18,000 in-kind (rental of office and operation expenses such as staff, telephone, copy services, etc.) to A Better Chinatown Association.


Eddie and Elaine Flores donated $10,000 to A Better Chinatown Association.

Eddie and Elaine Flores donated $18,000 in-kind (rental of office and operation expenses such as staff, telephone, copy services, etc.) to A Better Chinatown Association.


Eddie and Elaine Flores donated $20,000 to A Better Chinatown Association.

Eddie and Elaine Flores donated $18,000 in-kind (rental of office and operation expenses such as staff, telephone, copy services, etc.) to A Better Chinatown Association.


Eddie and Elaine Flores donated $20,000 to A Better Chinatown Association.

Eddie and Elaine Flores donated $18,000 in-kind (rental of office and operation expenses such as staff, telephone, copy services, etc.) to A Better Chinatown Association.

Central Pacific Bank made a $25,000 donation to support the exhibition of the fourteen honorees.

Dr. Joseph W. C. Young made a generous donation of $50,000 to support the project.

Peter Shi of CAA Cabinets and Construction made a $2,000 in-kind donation. (paint and labor to paint the old Chinatown Arch).


Donations made as of 1/23


Eddie & Elaine Flores

Cash: $30,000

In-kind: $54,000

Dr. Joseph Young

Cash: $50,000

Central Pacific Bank Foundation

Cash: $25,000

Peter Shi CAA Cabinets/Construction

In-kind: $2,000